I stopped smoking at the weekend there and am holding out reasonably well. The cravings are worst first thing in the morning and at lunchtime. I’m getting by with the help of a couple bits of nicotine gum a day.
I stopped because my 2 year old daughter told me she wanted to smoke, after I had come in from having a snout outside. So I chucked all my smoking paraphernalia in the bin pretty much there and then.
I’m noticing quite a lot of changes already. I’m eating a bit more to compensate, so that’s a worry but I’m generally getting by with the aid of much more coffee than usual. I’m coughing less and can run and do stuff longer already, which is pretty amazing. I’m finding my skin isn’t as dry and I’m much less tired at night.
So I feel much better physically and haven’t been too tortured mentally, which is a surprise really.
That’s not to say I wouldn’t kill everybody I know for one drag of a sweet, sweet ciggy.
You can run longer? Pray, where has this theory been tested?
Good for you, Fizz!
I meant I can run longer without getting really out of breath. This theory was tested when I had to run for a bus and didn't almost die after 50 yards.
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