More nonsensical remarks from the PM today, not Tony but our de facto PM Gordon Brown.
You have to wonder why no one thinks to stop what passes for our leading politicians spouting such drivel.
To suggest that a person applying for UK citizenship should be made to do something that is essentially a punishment for minor criminal offences is well, offensive enough, but my main problem with this whole proposal is that Brown seems to think that the definition of what makes a British citizen isn’t even up for discussion.
What is Britishness? Britishness isn’t even a word.
We all have different ideas of what it means to be British, so why should anyone have Gordon Brown’s idiosyncratic paradigm imposed upon them as if it’s something that actually exists outwith his head?
I’m all for folk serving the community and being aware of their responsibilities, but the idea that there exists a contract between a citizen and a nation suggests to me that Brown, Blair and their buddies have completely lost the plot.
They plainly think their Government is “the nation”. They are not. They are merely the custodians. They don't get to decide what defines Britain.
It’s Daily Express appeasing speeches like the one made today that indicates Brown plans to be every bit as gigantic a clown in office as his ex-pal predecessor.
Arrogant, deluded and determined to undermine basic freedoms, you have to wonder what the future has in store for us all should these balloons win any kind of appreciable mandate at the next election.
Who knows though. Maybe they are just trying to put people off coming here in the first place.
It'll be a pop quiz about the Queen at customs for tourists next.
The worst of the many bad things about this is that Brown is threatening to revoke the citizenship of people who don't "keep their part of the contract". Since a lot of countries don't allow their citizens to hold dual citizenship, Brown is effectively threatening to make people stateless, which is fucked in so many ways.
Well this is the point G, it's a headline grabbing series of remarks with no basis in political practicality.
It's been said in an attempt to appeal to the Daily Mail/Daily Express reader mentality - the mindset Labour have been cynically manipulating for years.
So you basically have a guy saying stuff he doesn't believe and can't really do because he's terrified that the nation's large constituency of dribbling morons won't vote for him.
Ain't democracy grand?
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