Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Simplified Day Fares

Has anyone else noticed that the day fare on First Bus has gone up to £3? It’s now £3 all day as opposed to £2.85 before 9.30am and £2.55 after.

First Bus portrays this as good news on their literature. They call it ‘simplified day fares’. Awful good of them cos it must have been bothering people how to break that £3 into £2.85/£2.55. Should they buy a newspaper, a bottle of water, a packet of chewing gum?

Problem solved say First Bus. We’ll just take it all. Nice and simple. £2 and £2.50 are also pretty simple to understand. Never thought of that First Bus, eh?

Of course the service will be improving by the same percentage…

1 comment:

Fraser said...

An increase that works out at just about 18%.

Has petrol gone up by 18%? No. Have drivers wages increased by 18%? No. Has inflation increased by 18%? no.

This is profiteering, plain and simple.

First are no better than pirates, and seem to recruit from similar environs.

There is no justification for this rise and it hits folk who can't afford it the hardest.

This is rich fannies lining their pockets at the expense of the poor yet again.

When is this going to end?

You'd think in an age where people are trying to come up with ideas about improving public transport and getting people out of their cars you'd have Government intervening in this kind of blatant profiteering.

Lets hope that's not too far away and also that the utter scum who profit from the likes of First get financially bumblasted in the process.