If you want you can have a look at my photo archive. Or check out Ronnie's or Graham's. There was a collection of great photographs by all of the contestants along the way. Some of whom have too many great photographs and photographic concepts to link to only one.
Vaginarino also showed off some really good pics, and the fact that it turned into Claire's personal showcase was no bad thing, as she and Ronnie created some nice photos.
All in all it was good fun, despite some of you out there wondering how on earth that could be so. The next Whiskerino is in 2009 and who can say if I'll be back for that, but in the meantime I'll think about a moustache for Moustache May.
A truly excellent beard.
Thanks G. I bow to yours though.
You may be amused/offended to know that recently two people have seen a picture of the old 'mart gang and thought that you were me. That's beards for you. We all look the same.
Please don't participate in Moustache May. No one looks good in a 'stash, Tom - NO ONE!
Wow! Thanks for the compliment. I'm still going... I JUST CAN'T LET GO! Mackle's even set a "texture" theme for tomorrow (for all those who simply MUST keep going).
Ha ah! You keepin' the beardy?
I didn't realise there was still themes and motivation in place for those still growing!
I still have the beard, although I have trimmed it down quite a bit.
Go to Whiskerino dot org slash talk and apply for a login.
It doesn't matter if you've trim as half the people on it have (or even shaved).
The photos don't even have to contain the beard... it's just a photography thing, I guess. But there's still good chat and stuff.
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