David Bowie recently played a few shows with Arcade Fire and on this site there’s an mp3 of them performing Wake Up.
Two Raith Rovers fans went around the football grounds of Scotland at the weekend to raise funds for Reclaim the Rovers campaign. Here’s their blog of the day.
I’ll also share some bands I’ve been listening to recently. For the last few months I’ve been playing Rilo Kiley constantly. I think I’ve posted this link before; a fan site with a number of live shows available to download.
I’ve also recently been listening to The New Pornographers. They have a new album, Twin Cinema, out now. The link is blocked in here due to the ‘adult’ name. So you could go here instead.
Viva Voce are great – a husband and wife team from Portland, Oregon, they play Glasgow next month.
Manda Rin from Data Panik (and formerly from Bis) appears to have had some recent trouble with the soundmen at Oran Mor. As I recall when I did something there back in May the soundman was less than helpful.
No Rock ‘n’ Roll Fun is a pretty entertaining music news blog.
The work of One Neck is now featuring in the Gaseous Brain blog.
I hope you’re all watching Arrested Development. Each episode of this second series has been consistently hilarious. Including last night’s with GOB demanding that the Bleuth Company staff don’t damage his increasingly more expensive suit.
I have noticed that one of the producers on this series is Jennifer Crittenden. She wrote several episodes of The Simpsons as well as episodes of Seinfeld and was a producer on Everybody Loves Raymond.
Here's something for us all to be proud of here. Scotland has been named The Most Violent Country in the Developed World. Get it right up ye America.
You are three times as likely to feel the warm hand of a mugger round about your face in Scotland as in the U S of A. It seems our love of ‘booze and blades’ and our embracing of sectarian hatred is paramount in our role World’s Best Chib Merchants. Makes you proud eh?
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