Tuesday 29 November 2005

You Can Taste The Hope

Our utterly insane work colleague Landry has posted an interview he conducted with himself on his website.

In it he makes reference to cow wrestling, a sport we, his colleagues, made up for a laugh. Graeme, the main instigator behind our rather infantile larking, has convinced Landry that he was “all province” cow wrestling champion at school and that he could have gone pro.

He has also convinced Landry that “wrestled beef” is available in the shops and that it is better than meat from slaughtered cows “because you can taste the hope.”

By the way, can I qualify what I've said above by saying that I think Landry is a brilliant guy. He's just really good for laugh because he has a pretty whacky approach to life. Some might even call him a Bohemian...


Anonymous said...

am i losing the point or what? where is the insanity here..??

Fraser said...

I meant insane in a fun whacky kind of way. No, seriously mate. You interviewed yourself.