I haven’t been keeping up with what’s happening with Arrested Development now that it has completed its run on FOX. Whether or not the show will rise from the ashes remains to be seen, although it’s looking increasingly unlikely.
But I did see the last 4 episodes broadcast seemingly by FOX back to back opposite the Winter Olympics opening ceremony - a final, grand insult.
The episodes are hilarious with the usual amount of twists, turns and misunderstandings and it all ends perfectly. It’s as slickly and beautifully written as any TV show ever has been.
I won’t say too much as Tom hasn’t see them yet but look out for Gob’s stint in Iraq entertaining the troops, a girl-Michael, a wedding, a long lost sister and a guest appearance by the biggest queen in the world.
Magical stuff and I hope it isn’t over, but if it is, well, it was class all the way.
Well, it seems that it could all be down to Mitchell Hurwitz.
I'm watching them tonight. I'll come back tomorrow with my thoughts.
Forgot to come back to this...
I really enjoyed it. It's always good to see Franklin back. They crammed a lot into the last episode. The way I see it is that if it's over it was a good ending but even if they manage to resurrect it, there's still places they could go with it.
Who doesn’t love Franklin? ‘It’s not easy bein’ white!’ at the German market in St Enoch Square in December I saw very similar style puppets for sale. I had thought about getting one for Glue. If the market hadn’t left I probably would have bought one eventually.
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