Monday, 30 June 2008

Euro 2008 -My Golden 11

After a great tournament in Austria and Switzerland, here's my best Eleven.

Goalkeeper: Gianluigi Buffon - kept his side in it with an amazing penalty save in the pulsating match with Romania and looked the best of a very weary Italian lot.

Right Back - Bosingwa - Chelsea's new signing looked very exciting tearing up the flank.

Left Back - Russia's Zhirkov - again not exactly a defensive left back, but his brilliant attacking runs means he edges out Giovanni van Bronckhorst for me.

Central Defence - I'm going with Carlos Marchena and Sergio Ramos - yes, I know that Ramos played right back, but he is also an accomplished centre-half and his great all round play gets him in there ahead of a fairly drab selection of other central defenders.

Midfielders: Iniesta, Deco, Sneider and Turkey's Arda Turan - yes no Xavi. That's right.

Up Front: Easy really - David Villa and Andrei Arshavin.

What do you think?

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

The Magic Glue

So here it is, the exciting You Owe Me Glue based news that practically no one is waiting for. Radio Scotland have comissioned a pilot from us. It's being recorded at The Stand in Woodlands Road on Wednesday the 23rd of July. And you can come see it happen! And! It's free!

At the moment we're not sure how you can get in, if it's going to be a ticketed affair or names on a list. When we've sorted that out we'll post it on here and elsewhere. As well as the recording of the half-hour pilot we'll probably be doing a few other sketches and there will also be one or two supporting comedians before we get going. And maybe free drinks. One free drink. Mibbie.

Oh aye and it's called 'The Magic Glue' and not You Owe Me Glue. So see yeez there.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Il Canto degli Italiani

One of the good things about Italy making it through to the quarter-finals of Euro 2008 is that we'll get to see another rousing performance of their national anthem.

Here they are before Friday's match with Romania. Look out for former Ranger Rino Gattuso singing the whole thing with his eyes closed.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Apart From the Football

How's anyone managing to do anything else other than watch football with this great European Championships on the go? I've managed to find time for little else but of what I have done...

In the great Indiana Jones debate I'm in the 'It's good' camp. Great fun from beginning to end. Some people are saying it 'wasn't very realistic'. You mean like the first 3 Ken Loach directed Indiana Jones films?

Gone Baby Gone might well be the film of the year. Who would have thought that Ben Affleck could co-write and direct such a thought provoking, magical piece of cinema? Casey Affleck also proves he's one of the best young actors around and there's a great supporting cast including the always excellent Ed Harris and Amy Ryan, unrecognisable from her role as Beadie Russell in The Wire.

I also managed to see You Owe Me Glue's favourite cheeky chappy Dazza play the lead in RSAMD's The Tempest. And good he was too. Although it's about time he started getting some comedy roles. If anyone gives a fuck anymore there's big YOMG news in the offing soon, but then if you are interested you probably know what it is already.

Photographs from the third annual Fizzy Birthday Barbecue this weekend are here and a handful of photos from the West End Festival parade are here.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Same Old Same Old

Same Old Same Old is my new weekly comic strip about the horror of spending the bulk of your life with people who mildly hate you.

Big thanks to Iain for the art - it'll be the same 3 panels every week with a different gag.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Stanhope in Edinburgh

Who wants to go see Doug Stanhope at the Edinburgh Festival in August? Only one catch...well two catches. You have to go on your own and you have to pay £7,349. Oh aye, and hang about with him for 16 hours.

Daniel Kitson at The Stand

Last night I went to see Daniel Kitson at The Stand. The man really is just a notch above other stand-up comics. Although hilarious all the way through, his two hour show really didn't seem like a stand-up comedy performance. It was more a well thought out discourse on how we can all make the world a much better place. With a few knob jokes and some ironic racism thrown in.

His storytelling is masterful and he has a great way of getting to the crux of niggling little details of daily life. Everyone should see him at least once.