Wednesday, 3 November 2004

Bullet In The Head

So, the BNP have managed to get Jeremy Hardy banned from performing in Burnley for suggesting that the world would be better off if the BNP and its supporters were “shot in the back of the head”.

They claim “thousands” of their supporters would have been offended by his remarks.

Awwww, poor wittle Nazis. Did big bad, Jeremy Weremy make woo cwy?

I’m sure the oft cardiganed japester isn’t all that bothered as Burnely is a fucking toilet, but where do these malodorous clods get off complaining about being offended by Hardy’s comments?

We tolerate these wannabe ethnic cleansers and allow them freedom of speech because to curtail their rights would affect us all. No one gives a fuck about what offends you, you cunts. Your very existence is an affront to human decency. We put up with you, not the other way round.

Oh and by the way, half a dozen overweight dribblers who couldn’t get a ride at the fucking shows fisting each other off in a basement over a can of warm strongbow isn’t “thousands” of people.

Being shot in the back of the head is the very least the BNP and those who vote for them deserve.

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