Tuesday, 23 November 2004

No Hugging No Learning

Seinfeld comes out on DVD in America today, so there's bound to be a lot about it in the American press. And this post bears this out, as it's a bit of a Seinfeld special. First, here's a pretty good article that lists ten of the best episodes. I wouldn't argue with any of them, though they may not be my 10 faves.

Of the episodes selected from the current DVD collection, I would say that The Pen, was the episode I was left with a new respect and appreciation for. It's just a brilliant example of how to write a sitcom and how Larry and Jerry adopted a fearless approach to their show.

Anyway, if you have all day to do nothing but read articles on Seinfeld.

USA Today
Ottawa Citizen
AOL Online (The Best Seinfeld Moments)
The Hollywood Reporter
Houston Chronicle
News Leader
Ottawa Business Journal
E Online

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