At work, we’ve just had a complaint through from an American about our shitty standards of service. Nothing new there, but the hilarious thing about the complaint is that he tried to guilt whoever was reading into action by claiming that, as Britons, we should “treat him with more honour” due to:
“…the number of American lives that were spent to keep you free and the amount we spend on your daily defence.”
So that must answer a few questions for you.
Can you imagine the arrogance of a person who refers to WWII in terms of the number of American lives lost? America never experienced the Blitz and never had an entire Nazi army 20 odd miles from the border. What about the Russians, who lost millions and oh, eh, the fucking JEWS YOU CRETIN!!!!!
He of course also refers to our current folly in Iraq, an action most Britons oppose and an action that puts the lives of everyone in this country at risk from revenge bombings by Islamist nutjobs.
Plus he also seems to believe that we don’t pay taxes and that America funds our defences. Defences he/we wouldn’t need to fork out on if AMERICA STOPPED TAKING US TO FUCKING WAR UNNECESSARILY!!!!!!
So here we have your stereotypical yank, who has never even considered that Britons don’t agree with him or American foreign policy and hey, that we just plain might not like what America is playing at and who also feels that everyone else in the world personally owes him a debt of “honour” because his country throws cash around so it can tell everyone what to do.
There's nothing quite like an arrogant fool to get the blood going. I hope he sues and loses his shirt.
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