Given that it’s still by far and away the worst football highlights programme that ever existed, the fans currently organising petitions against the programme have rather more than a point.
Last nights show was another incredible example of how not to make TV.
Forget the fact that, with the audience in some kind of smoking lounge, Jim Delahunt and his “panel” seem to be in some kind of quarantine, forget the always excruciating “talk to the fans, but not about anything controversial, oh no” bit, forget their “dream ticket” competition, offering the prize of seeing Arsenal v Chelsea, a match that has absolutely fuck all to do with their show.
One thing alone stood out for me.
What the fuck is up with Bill Leckie’s hair?
Here we have a man in at least his late 40s wearing not only the haircut but what actually appears to be the hair of an 18 year old. Who the motherfuck are you trying to kid with that Bill?
I had to phone up Tom and get him to watch to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. Believe me, the screenshot I’ve posted here does not do him justice.
Marry that to Archie McPherson’s admission that he couldn’t pronounce Shunsuke Nakamura’s name (aren’t you eh, a commentator Archie? Is being able to say the names of the players you’re describing to us not eh, part of your job?) and that daft Sarah O lassie’s insane perma-grin and you have a truly remarkable audio-visual dogs breakfast, bound to go down in the annals of television history as the most inept sports programme ever conceived.
The funny thing is I don’t know if I want it off the air. Sure, it’s dreadful and I would really like a Scottish football show that actually showed some football, but I haven’t laughed as hard in a long time as I did last night. Just ask Tom.
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