Monday, 19 July 2004

The Curious Similarities...

Ah, so now we know why there is anti social behaviour. Tony has cracked it. It's because of the permissive sixties. Of course, how stupid of us all not to see. Now when a wean pans in my window, I'll be contacting the estate of Janis Joplin for recompense.
Another unbelievable crock from Number 10, concocted by a Government who now press their luck as regards credibility as a matter of routine.
Anyone who wants a glipse at why there is a "yob culture" should have had a look at the brilliant ITV (yes, ITV) documentary "Real Life: Children of the Miners Strike" last night. Therein you would have seen people struggling to play the shitty hand life has dealt them with dignity and courage.  One such subject, a young "yob" who'd never had a hope in hell battled, sometimes manfully sometimes not, against 6 years of Heroin addiction. This kid is a victim of a war waged on the working classes of this country by Margret Thatcher, who, while decimating community after community throughout Britain in the 80's would demand that striking miners stop being "Moaning Minnies". I mean really, if you're from another planet you shouldn't really get to run a country in ours, you know?  
The victims of this war still litter our streets. You see them very day. Some look as if they've been in a war, having lost limbs to abscess and infections, from taking contaminated drugs - a tragedy not just because a clean, NHS controlled Heroin programme would have made all such injuries preventable and would in most cases have allowed addicts to lead relatively normal lives. But then you don't introduce programmes to help the enemy do you? Certainly not when you are in the process of crushing the life out of them.
Some people may say that it's a bit "old hat" to keep banging on about the miners strike. Maybe I'm just being a moaning minnie.
But, like those poor African kids you see in land mine documentaries, tens of thousands of kids in this country have grown up in the last 20 years without an earthly, the ground that should have sustained them metaphorically blown out from beneath their feet.
So don't tell me kids are bad because Mum and Dad had a few lovers, smoked some draw and listened to Hendrix. Especially when practically every one of these hypocritical bastards in Parliament got a class A education, enough money to party on and benefits during the holidays while at Uni -  all paid for by the forefathers of the working class families they are now attempting to demonise.
Of course there is an interesting subtext to all this. Tony Blair, as you will probably know, was in a god awful punk rock band, contributing the same big fat zero to music as he would eventually contribute to world of social inclusion.
The band, being about as much use as a dick on a frisbee, bombed and broke up leaving a wide eyed and determined wee powertripper scouting around for his next opportunity to get noticed. Unfortunately, he found it in politics, as Hitler did when he failed as a painter. Coincidence?  I'd love to think so...

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