Monday, 26 July 2004

What the Hell Are You Starin' At?

Here's a feature from the Globe and Mail on Jason Alexander's new series, Listen Up. The show co-stars Malcolm Jamal-Warner, Theo from The Cosby Show.

An accomplished performer, Alexander still seems to be struggling to accept that he will always be remembered as George Costanza. Although I'll always see him as George, I can't be the only person that also knows him as Duckman.


Anonymous said...

For a good few months into watching Seinfeld, he was Stucky the stereotypical bad ass property lawyer from Pretty Woman for me. Now he's just George.

The Frogger episode was on the other night; quick quiz, the Frogger still showed George's high score with his 3 initials. What was his middle initial and what did it stand for? Extra marks for speed.

I will have more of a problem thinking of MJW as anyone other than Theo.

Tom said...

I think it was 'L' Louis?

Anonymous said...

Well done Tom, you win the prize.