Thursday, 1 July 2004

Marr-ing the Game

As the Nacho Novo transfer fiasco trundles on, you have to laugh at the clueless behaviour of the Marr brothers, the guys who have practically put Dundee Football Club out of business.
Having demanded a £500,000 fee for a player who can leave them for nothing next summer they now find themselves in the ridiculous position of trying to dictate where the guy goes to play his football.
With Celtic the only club prepared to stump up, it looked like Novo was on his way to paradise - except he'd rather go to Rangers, where he'd get bigger wages and a better chance of a first team game. Celtic withdrew their offer, a little peeved after that became obvious during talks this week.
Now, rather than take the 350 grand offered by the Bears, the Marrs reckon Novo himself should stump up the cash if he wants to leave.
Unfortunately they are trying to dictate terms in a business deal they have practically nothing to do with.
Their position is untenable and Dundee fans must be sick of these goons who have systematically ruined their club. Someone should tell the Marr's that bluffing requires you to know something everyone else doesn't. Unfortunately, it's common knowledge that Dundee are a box of teabags away from being a memory. Despite completing a period of administration, the club have creditors battering down the doors and cannot afford to let Novo go for nothing. The fact that they are even gambling on that scenario is outrageous.
Of course the Marr's are trying to make Rangers out as the bad guys, stealing their players and paying them well below what they are worth.

A couple of points on that score:

1) Without the tranfer fees generated by sales of players to the Old Firm, there would just be no cash in the Scottish game. Simple as that.
2) The Old Firm never asked anyone to get themselves into serious financial trouble by trying to compete with them. The Marr's have ruined Dundee, not Rangers.

Players decide where they want to go these days, not clubs. Perhaps someone should introduce the Marr brothers to a little piece of legislation know as The Bosman Ruling? Why act like it's twenty years ago? It isn't. You look daft.
And the thing that really annoys me? Rangers are being lectured on morality by a pair of tossers who have run their club into the ground, falsely built up the hopes of their fans and associated themselves with a shyster most famous for being mates with Arkan, Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Oh aye, and Harold Shipman for good measure.

They should shut their fat ignorant cake holes and take the £350,000 (which actually amounts to the 500 grand they've been greeting on about because Rangers have agreed to pay all the add-ons associated with Novo's contract) they are being offered.
They won't of course, and will no doubt continue to be an embarrassment to Dundee fans and Scottish football in general until they are finally, and I hope unceremoniously, drummed out of the game.


Anonymous said...

Is the guy's name really Nacho? Is that the equivalent of an American being called Chip....

Fraser said...

There are loads of guys called chip though eh?

Anonymous said...

Yeah actually, I was drinking with a chap called Chip on Monday night. Americans do call their kids Chip, bizarre as that seems to us.