Tuesday, 20 July 2004

Low-Flow? I Don't Like the Sound of That

The following will only mean something if you could see Fizzy's flat hair. From The Shower Head, season 7, epsiode 16.

Jerry's apartment. Kramer walks in, his trademark 'high hair' is flat.

Kramer: Jerry? Jerry!

Jerry walks in from the back room, his hair is also flat.

Kramer: Wha, you too?

Jerry: Yeah!

Kramer: These showers are horrible. There's no pressure, I can't get the shampoo out of my hair.

Jerry: Me either.

Kramer: If I don't have a good shower I am not myself. I feel weak and ineffectual. I'm not Kramer.

Jerry: You? What about me? I got the Tonight Show tonight. I'm gonna have to shower in the dressing room.

Kramer (leaving): Aw.

Jerry: Where are you going?

Kramer: I gotta find another shower.

Hallway outside Newman's apartment. Kramer knocks on Newman's door. Newman answers, with flat hair.

Kramer: They got you too?

Newman: This stuff is awful! I'm not Newman!

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