Thursday, 27 May 2004

Cannon Fodder

I was having a conversation with a couple of colleagues the other day and I mentioned that in the States,moves are already being made to introduce a draft , effectively clearing the way for them to forcibly enlist their vast legions of trailer trash and stick them straight in the Iraqi front lines.
I suggested that this might be a good idea over here for our own multitudes of hat balancing ned scum which inspired a debate about whether or not a stint in the army would be character building for Scotland's tens of thousands of no use wee shitbags.
They missed my point, which was we send 10,000 of them out there and hopefully only get about 1000 back.
Lets see if Deek fae Royston reckons it's a "dull yin" when he comes home and finds it's much more difficult to intimidate shopkeepers and old folk with no arms or legs eh?

In fact here's a movie pitch for you:

"Deek pure canne believe it when he gets back from lamping Pakis in "Operation Secure Oil" only to find that now he's in a wheelchair no-one is "feart" from him anymore!
Not only that, but some people pure treat him like a cripple!
Sure, he still enjoys diddling the soash, but his injuries mean that he can no longer act hard outside shops, drive around in his wee litterbox Nova or father the thirty or so weans he had always hoped would steal Pink Floyd's entire back catalogue for him!
At breaking point, Deek decides to lead a band of rag tag ned veterans in a massive compensation claim against the Government."

I'm thinking of calling it "Born On The 12th Of July".

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