Wednesday, 19 May 2004

Just Vinegar Please

I have now gone 5 days without salt, even going so far as to request vinegar only on my fish supper. Unlike Ronnie and his vow to give up fags I haven't saved up any money. And I don't think I will, unless Saxa up the price of a tub to about £23.50.


Anonymous said...

are you drinking more water?

Tom said...

Hello Anonymous, thanks for your concern, I have to admit that no, I am not drinking more water at the moment, but I am drinking orange juice in the morning as opposed to diet coke and I am drinking orange and raspberry juice at the moment.

Anonymous said...

That's excellent, I'm most impressed. Can Fraser and I expect your company on Monday night?

Tom said...

Hello again Anonymous, I'm sipping on water as I write this puzzled as to what you and 'Fraser' are up to on Monday night and why you would wish my company.

Fraser said...

Aye right enough. Is it not tuesday?