Wednesday, 19 May 2004

God Almighty

As if the dildo, sex doll and viagra sites I have to process in here are not enough I've just had to do one for some bible bashing artist and another for a buffoon calling himself "Phil the Medium".
I hate religion.
Yes, for all the well covered reasons like it causes wars, it's a racket manned by crooks and all that but chiefly because of the idiocy implicit in the belief that the world was made by some big magic man who lives in the sky and watches over us.
You have to love the sheer bloody minded stupidity of people who can look around this shambles of a world and still convince themselves that "God has a plan".
For me that kind of thinking rams home the probability that we as a species will destroy ourselves while in the midst of our intellectual infancy.
Then there's the whole clairvoyancy racket.
"Your mother was old when she died wasn't she Barbara?"
"But she had an old soul didn't she Barbara?"
"Not really..."
"But she had an old car didn't she Barbara?"

Sometimes I wish I had the brass nuts to sit in a darkened room holding my temple and telling folk who've just paid me hard cash:
"I'm getting the name John, does John mean anything to you?" instead of honestly slogging away in a dead end office job. But then I doubt if I could ever escape the nagging certainty that anyone who claims to have contact with people on "...The other side" should be immediately dispatched to join them.

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