Thursday, 27 May 2004

Is Anybody Listening? Anybody?

So, our loyal reader(s) may be wondering how The Buff Club gig went for me. For those of you lucky enough not to be there it was another nightmare. I'm currently ticking the box in Tom's Comedy Rulebook that says 'Do Not Go On Immediately After a Band.'

The band in question Quinn were actually really good.

However by the time I took to the stage the chatter of the crowd was almost deafening, the 8 or so people who were actually listening seemed to enjoy me, though some others started paying attention when I berated them.

Despite the fact that I had to make my way through a velvet rope and had a balcony to look up to, I never really got the feeling I was in the big time.

Another comedy lesson learned. Thanks to Jo who came to experience the horror with me and made it just about bearable.

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