Monday 23 October 2006

You’re Gonna Hear a Lot More From This Brother

I recently bought The Best of the Chris Rock Show Vol 2 on Region 1 DVD. I’d always been holding off, cos I thought that eventually they’d release the whole thing. So far they haven’t.

It’s pretty funny with a lot of good sketches and bits with the man on the street. Probably the funniest bit though was the extra feature. Taxi Driver Confessions is a parody of a popular hidden camera show of the time where passengers in cabs talk to the driver.

Here though Chris Rock is in disguise as a cab driver. Whether taking drugs, showing off his jar of ‘clean urine’, stealing mobile phones or frightening white passengers with a tape of a guy more outrageous than Farrakan it’s all laugh out loud stuff.

You can see it all below.

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