This was from the Evening Times yesterday. We had professional photographs done on the Monday night, but too late for inclusion in Thursday's paper. The photo of Sandy illustrates the article fine though, don't you think?
Still places available in the audience for Wednesday's recording. We should have a good turn out, so if you want to come along for your free laughs just put your name and how many tickets you want in the comments section and your name will be down on the door on the night.
Did you take a paper and change it all, or did this really happen?
Tits'r'us, if indeed that is your real name, I'm not sure exactly what you're driving at.
Did it 'really happen'? Er, aye. Aye it did. Literally tens of words were written about us in the Evening Times.
You're obviously having a much harder time accepting that than anybody else. Although I'm not sure why.
Thanks for your input, such as it was, anyway.
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