We had a full house at The Stand, who lapped up our two top class warm up acts. Scott Agnew went through his usual tales of the rough and tumble of homosexual activity before launching into his infamous 'shite volley' story. Sandy Nelson's routine varied from the life of the metrosexual to deconstructing an intellectual book on how to think for yourself before closing on a song. I have to say though I think the thing he did that I enjoyed most was his soundcheck song.
The first 100 through the door got a free drink, with Robert ex-of the Mart and his pals getting the last 3, and Gordon of my most recent creative writing class being punter 101.
The audience couldn't have responded any better to our performance, finding the whole thing funny in pretty much all the places we wanted them to.
A great night all in all.
My photographs can be found here. Some of Heidi's photographs can be seen on her site.
The show was fantastic - I can't wait to hear how it sounds on the radio!
Congratulations! Since I couldn't make it, is there any chance that I can listen to this on the BBC's website?
Katie - Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Did your Mum and Dad like it? Did they understand it more to the point?
Graeme- Cheers. We're not sure when it'll be on, when we are we'll post up here I'm sure. It might be possible to get you a CD of it though. In fact I'm sure it will be. I'll get in touch once it's all been edited and packaged etc.
I would really like that.
How much did you have to adapt the show to make it work for radio?
We adapted it a little bit. More trimming than anytihng else. We wrote some stuff specially for it too. There's a couple of sketches that we just couldn't have done live, but should work well on radio.
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