If you fancy coming to see the rehearsed reading of the play what we wrote - Odds and Sods - then get yer tickets fast. There's only about 20 or so left.
You can reserve tickets and pay on the night by phoning or e-mailing the Ramshorn Theatre on 0141-552-3489 or ramshorn dot theatre (at) strath dot ac dot uk. You can also buy them through the SECC on 0870 0135464 or through their website.
I've already heard the "I'm skint" excuse trotted out. It's only Four pounds (£4). Going by rehearsals it should be a laugh. Of course since it's partially a You Owe Me Glue production it's not been going as smoothly as we would like. But everything will come together on the night I'm quite sure.
So do come along.
I'll trot out that "I'd go, but I live on the other side of the world" excuse. Hope that suffices. Otherwise I'd be there.
Aye you and a few other folk get away with that one G. At only four quid I'm expecting folk to get a wee bit creative with their excuses.
Fucks sake, that rehearsal room looks suspiciously like Room 5.14 in the Graham Hills Building teaching pool...!
Oooh, you're not far wrong. I think it was room 8.02 :o)
I phoned up today for more tickets but its sold out! I have a couple reserved at the Ramshorn.
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