Radio Scotland is repeating our pilot The Magic Glue this Friday at 6.10pm. If you didn't listen when it was on in January please give it a shot this time round. If you heard it then and liked it please get the word out to your muckers. If you heard it and didn't like it, get it up ye, what use are you to me?
So that's Friday 14th August at 6.10pm on Radio Scotland FM & MW. It'll also be on the BBC iPlayer for a week afterwards, so if you can't listen on the night you can hear it at a later date on your computer.
Any chance it will get put back up on the website at any point?
Do you perform it at the stand a lot?
I doubt it will appear on the iPlayer again for a while (if at all). Hopefully it'll get another repeat at some point, but if it does, probably not for a while.
We've stopped performing the sketch show live. Other than the pilot the last full show we did was The Stand in Edinburgh in October 2007.
If we get a series we'll go back to it though.
Looking forward to seeing it at some point. Was a really good show, especially liked the bus fighting sketch and the poofs one. Top notch!
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