As you may or may not know, my family is moving to Falkirk in May.
We bought a house there this week.
We're pretty psyched.
As such I am getting rid of a whole bunch of choice crap including: A PS1!!! An entire home photographic lab (and I mean entire)! A Commodore Amiga 600!!! A briefcase! A compressor unit I don’t know how to work! A whole stack of videos!
And loads of other crap, I mean choice goodies!
I have stuff like Subbuteo as well I’d give a way to a good home, but only to someone I know would play with it.
But its mainly stacks of videos. If you feel that you need stuff like “Almost Famous” ex rental or “The Searchers” taped off the tele, feel free to give me a bell. Tom already has first dibs.
What else did I want to say? Oh Aye, the Rangers game last week. Sorry I didn’t update with a full match report but really, apart from Boyd’s hat-trick it was pretty unremarkable.
The most enjoyable part of it was being at the ground. I love hanging about football grounds, looking at the programme stands, smelling the burgers, waiting for the team bus; all that rubbish. At Ibrox you have of course a load of traders selling “yerbigflagggggs” – giant and often vaguely sectarian (or if not, just exceptionally patriotic) flags of all types.
It’s quite funny watching the huge selection of oddities who follow the Rangers come and go as well, although I too am living proof that there is no such thing as a handsome hun.
Onto my main hobby – sitting on my increasingly fat arse and watching obscure comedy. Graeme at work put me onto a bit of a comedy phenomenon in his own country of Canada, Trailer Park Boys.
It’s basically a spoof documentary about 2 co-dependant ex – cons who live in a trailer park and the daft stuff they get up to. I’ve just started watching my second season of it and it is very good, often hilarious.
Particularly funny are their arch enemies Mr Lahey and Randy the park supervisors, their flip sides, losers for the Law. Main character Julian’s best friend Bubbles is also hilarious in look, manner and deed. Definitely one to look out for if you're into a bit of torrenting.
The whole process is an amazingly expensive pain in the hole. Man did I ever get into the wrong racket. The estate agent we're looking at going with pretty much admited to us that all he has to do is "press a button" and he'll have a list of dozens of people waiting to see a flat like ours.He actually used the expression "Just have to press a button". For this he wants in excess of 12 hundred quid. I mean, buy me dinner first at least...
Hope your move goes well Ron - best to the Mrs.
Hey fizz, its ronnies brother. what kind of photography stuff do you have?
Chemicals, paper, trays, a heating board, an old enlarger (it's pretty old and needs a new plug but I think it still works) - pretty much everything you'd need to start a basic lab. My folks got me the stuff when I took a class but I lost interest. Yours if you can come by to mine and pick it up. It's just been sitting in my cupboard for 5 years.
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