And there were literally parties in the street, as we made our way into town to join Sevilla and Espanyol fans enjoying the entertainment before the UEFA Cup Final.
An enjoyable match it was too, with Sevilla being just too strong for Espanyol. A pishing wet Glasgow night being the only disappointment of the evening.
On my way home the 62 was characteristically mobbed. It was packed with your usual punters on their way home, several Spaniards on their way back from the game and what else? Yes, that’s right - bams.
Up the back of the bus, (where else?) were 3 guys intent on making everyone else’s trip home as uncomfortable as possible. A guy in a Liverpool shirt sang off colour songs about the Munich Air Disaster. His final’s not 'til next week, so fuck knows why he was out, even next week I'd be dischuffed to hear his patter. Not be outdone, the local bams overshadowed him. The quieter of the two was content just to punch the roof of the bus repeatedly, but a big shaven headed bam wearing a Celtic shirt and a Spanish flag punched the roof and sang songs about the IRA all the way along the road, and was still at it when I got off in Partick.
Makes you proud to be from Glasgow eh? Thousands of football fans come from abroad, don’t say one word out of place, have a good time, despite some of them going home unhappy and who causes bother? Glasgow Bams.
Below are some photographs - of opportunistic local newspapers, Spanish fans in town, the redundancy boys and the bus home. Also can anyone tell me what the Daily Record were going for in that headline below? It makes no sense to me at all.

Take your memories of the final. Newspaper and hat for only £2.
Meant to say, where did you watch the game? Keith and I were in Metropolitan with the Espanyol fans, until they left and actually went to the game. The cheek!
Oh, you wanted me to explain the Record headline....
I've no idea...
We went to see the game in The Maltman. We went upstairs where we had their two TV sets pretty much to ourselves.
We wandered about George Square and the Merchant City first, but then headed for the 13th Note to get a drink, cos we knew it would be quiet.
Yeah, it wasn't like Seville in 2003. I think all the fans over here actually had tickets for the game. There wasn't ten or twenty thousand wandering the town centre.
Why does Paul have a bucket on his head?
I wish I could have gone out with you guys, but I had a flight to catch. Oh well - we'll have to meet up for a Lidl party soon!
Good question Katie.
There was a leak in the roof and the barstaff put a bucket down to collect the rainwater.
Paul chucked the water out of it and put the bucket on his head.
Yup we can pencil in a Lidl Reunion Party for some time in the near future.
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