Lines were missed all over the place (I missed several), lights didn’t always go off on time (sorry Chris) and Fraser had another of his now famed Jimmy Fallon moments. However this all seemed to add up to an entertaining show for our packed house.
The new stuff on the whole went over quite well. The Wifestealer initially got a laugh just cos I look quite stupid in it. I was just relieved I didn’t drop Alison. Isaac Delacy Montague - Riverboat Gambler probably gained its loud laughs due to the fact that it descended into chaos midway through.
The attendance for Friday was almost more than the two Comedy Festival shows combined. And this time we made up not one poster or flyer.
Everyone we spoke to afterwards seemed to enjoy the show and their evening and it was good to see a few faces that had been promising to come along for quite some time.
After the show I was asked by three different ladies “Can I meet the rabbit?” It’s surprising how endearing Fraser’s natural personality is when it’s fronted by a cute bunny.
There are a handful of photographs below.
The next show, which promises to be a little bit different, (though perhaps not in a good way) is on Friday 28th April.

Bugger - wish I hadn't gone to pub straight after work, and therefore descended into a mess prior to the 7.30 train.....
ah well, next month i will be making a discerning effort to NOT be persuaded into apres work, and if I am, then I'll drag them along to ayrshire folk need some outing into the mean city to stay at least a little sane.
Great to hear it went so well.
Sorry I missed it, when I said that I might go I forgot that I'd now switched my radio show to Friday nights 7to9pm.
Glad to hear it went well.
What with all the chaos, I thought I would add to it!!
Sorry guys! But it was a good night all in all!
Kirsty – Be nice to see you next time if you can drag yerself away from the pub. And feel free to bring folk along.
John – Shame you couldn’t make it. Hope you get your show moved from a Friday in future.
Chris – Aye you’re useless. Forgot to say in that post that you drove up to the Parkhead B& Q for us to get us sorted with the light, so cheers for that.
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