Tuesday 19 June 2007

A Great British Institution

More pish talk about how great Britain is in an attempt to sell us something we don't want. This time Liam Byrne, Minister of State for Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship at the Home Office, tells us that ID Cards will be brilliant because they "will soon become part of the fabric of British life".

What a lot of nonsense. Roast beef on a Sunday, a pint of cool lager, egg and chips, the Queen's Christmas message, oh aye and an ID card in my back bin so the Home Office can keep tabs on me. What a Great Brittish life we all lead. More tea vicar?

Remember of course that it was only the other week there when it was quietly announced that the projected cost of ID cards has risen by almost a billion pounds. Or to put it another way the equivalent to 16,894,745 weeks of buroo money.


Graeme said...

I like this bit from the BBC article:

And Phil Booth, from the anti-ID card campaign group No2ID, said: "It is crazy to suggest that the best way to 'protect' our identities in the future is to hand them to the Home Office - the department of cock-up and cover-up. These are the last people on earth you should trust to keep your information safe."

Says it all, really, doesn't it?

Fraser said...

Too right G, we've been saying this for ages - we're not against ID cards and a "national database" simply on principle - The Government have proved simply too incompetent to be trusted with this, and anything else remotely complex.