Tom has thrown down the blogging gauntlet so here's my first entry of 2008, which so far has been a busy and remarkably shite free year.
As Tom was saying, Iain and I have had Black Cape, our strip about unemployed superheroes, accepted for publication. We're told that we're just about certain of inclusion in the first issue in new underground style humour comic "Wasted" which should see print within the next few weeks and if last minute advertising squeezes us out, we're certs from #2 onwards.
Wasted should be quarterly moving to bi-monthly if successful and is the brainchild of a small core of creative people led by comics legend Alan Grant , who's famous in comic book circles for, among other things, long and extremely successful runs on Judge Dredd and Batman. Also contributing is the art team responsible for the best Superman comic in decades, Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant. The former is cover editor, the latter art editor for the entire publication. There's loads of great folk involved from UK comics veterans to guys getting their first real break.
Quite what the fuck we're doing rubbing shoulders with these genuine talents is anyone's guess, but here we are.
Being comic geeks of the highest/lowest order, Iain and I are of course having a whale of a time doing stuff that would interest only a person entirely sappy for comics. We were practically shaking with pleasure a few weeks ago for example when we managed to sneak a peak at some art for the new issue of Superman. Iain is now basically in a position where his favourite artist in the world knows him and says hello to him, which is naturally blowing his mind.
So that's great and who knows, we may even make a few quid.
We've also been doing our wee silver age-y side project GoshWow Comics as and when we get the chance.
Right now, we're also doing a guest strip for fellow Wasted contributor Alan Kerr's very funny Kreepy Kat site. "Fans" of my old fake Dilbert's may get a fleeting sense of Deja Vu...
On top of that, Tom and I wait with baited breath to hear back about our Glue radio pilot, which is in the hands (or bin) of BBC Radio's top man at present and we're also cracking on with a play that we'll hope to perform before the end of the year.
Oh aye, wife, wean, job - still doing all that n'aw.
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