Friday 11 April 2008

The Kids Speak Out

Kids in the Hall might not be the only sketch group about to make a comeback (more about that some other time) but they're certainly the most media friendly at the moment. This is an interview with them from the Onion's AV Club.

This is my favourite bit of the interview, "they're performing almost exclusively new material, in hopes of eventually creating a TV-show follow-up to their offbeat, eponymous 1988-1995 sketch show, and a movie follow-up to 1996's Brain Candy." This is a link to a
photo set on Flickr from their show at the Riverside Theater
Milwaukee last week.

AVC: How do you differentiate between an obscure scene in the show and one that isn't as obscure?

DF: I guess you know what's not obscure because people tell you.

ST: We just assume that the original "Chicken Lady" is a classic. We assume the first "Simon And Hecubus" is a classic. Maybe we're wrong.

KM: Aren't they all obscure?

MM: We're The Kids In The Hall.

DF: Pretty much our most popular sketch is still obscure. [Laughs.]

ST: Basically, we're an obscure group.

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