I think most of our readers attended
You Owe Me Glue on Friday night. You can post your thoughts in the comments section, but for me and I think Fizz too it was quite a lack lustre show.
The attendance was smaller than last time, although in the small venue of
Blackfriars it was reasonably packed. Some of the laughs came in unexpected places and some of the sketches that would previously have been considered bankers fell a bit flat.
Personally I don't think I worked on this one anywhere near as hard as I could have. From writing to production to acting I could have given a lot more. And I resolve to in the future.
The photograph that illustrates this post doesn't appear to represent the show every well, but it was the only one I took on Friday night.
This was the last YOMG of the year. We'll be back sometime in January, probably the last Friday in Blackfriars for the first of our monthly shows there, with hopefully a whole load of new stuff. We're then on at East Kilbride Arts Centre on Saturday 4th February and we have 3 Thursday nights at the Comedy Festival in March lined up.
It's been an entertaining ride. We started rehearsals in January in the middle of a snowstorm, fought our way through the grinding traffic on the hottest day of the year in July and braved the winds and rain of November.
We rehearsed in countless rooms, with the heating up full bung in summer and non existent in winter. We had venues changed at the last minute, we had bemused looks from barstaff unaware that we were rehearsing in the backroom of their pub. Got interupted by jannies and a string of folk looking for Alcoholics Anonymous.
To everyone who appeared or helped us out in some way thanks a lot.
Moira and
Anne-Marie couldn't have done it without them and A-M did provide two of the filthier sketches in the show and indeed one of the biggest laughs, with Old Alec asking what was left behind after the burglary.
Paul of course only did the two shows in March with us, but he was excellent and it was a shame he couldn't be more involved.
Tommy's help was invaluable, since we probably couldn't have got through the first show without him going to the lengths he did.
Ronnie and
The Ho, helped big time on the first show too. Thank you to
Claire who did the door for us on the second night in March. Thanks to
Cathy and
Pauline who provided props and costumes through visiting charity shops, sewing and by letting us borrow and steal from them. For costumes we should also thank
Derek, who may never see his wrestling gear ever again.
Jason extended his talents from lighting guy to bit part actor.
Graeme sat through several boring hours to man the lights and sound in September.
Chris came on board for less than a week in November and nailed the sound and lighting cues.
Thanks also to
Lindsay for repeatedly doing flyers and e-flyers, even if occasionally she forgot to send them to me.
Iain and his alter ego
One Neck for his range of flyers and posters throughout the year.
Nicola for commandeering a laptop from her flatmate to save us for September and enthusiastically sticking up posters and flyers for us, on a surprise evening out when she expected to be doing something a lot more exciting. Thanks to
Bruce for advertising us over on
Glasgow Theatre Underground and to
Jo for rushing out to buy us last minute props.
And to anyone else that I've forgotten who has helped out or offered to help, thank you. Finally to everyone who came along to the shows, thanks a lot we hope you enjoyed them and that you'll come again next year.