Tuesday 20 March 2007

Nothing Can Possib-lie Go Wrong...

Have a read at this. Astonishing.

Does anyone actually still want ID cards?


Graeme said...

You mean other than Tony Blair and John Reid?

Fraser said...

Believe me G, Reid just seems embarrassed by the whole thing, and has already taken steps to scale down the cost of creating the thing, not that this will save the taxpayer a huge, yet to be clarified bill.

I bet Tony wishes he'd never started with this either.

Graeme said...

Reid supports ID cards to one extent to another. This BBC article is about, in part, how he wants "compulsory ID cards for foreign nationals seeking to settle in the UK." I would say that Reid's rhetoric on immigration is straight out of the Daily Mail, except for that's a fascist rag and Reid is a Stalinist.

In any case, I find it sinister that Labour is persisting with trying to implement the ID cards despite the massive opposition to them.

Tom said...

Well they have form for it. There was massive opposition to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and Labour showed how much they valued the public opinion by completely ignoring us all.

Graeme said...

True enough, but I also meant in terms of the opposition to it in the Lords.

Fraser said...

I think if they gave Reid and Blair a magic wand that made everyone forget about the whole thing, they'd wave it.

Of course they have to be pro-ID card - it's been their flagship policy for several years now.

But its looking less like a legacy and more like a tragedy as each day goes by.

I think Labour went into this thinking genuinely it was a good idea, but as usual, it wasn't properly costed, the implications of the system in terms of civil liberties weren't thought through and its pretty obvious from the recent changes in how its going to operate that they didn't have a proper technological blueprint either.

Now they are in a position where they’re looking like implementing a system that will costs 10s of billions and won’t work but can’t back out without looking cataclysmically stupid.

Yes, Labour are quite willing to ride roughshod over the will of the people, but not because they are evil as such – its because they are morally weak and scared of looking like the incompetents they so obviously are.

Our political system in that sense has all the sophistication of a kids playground.