Thursday 12 April 2007

Glasgow: Scotland With Scum

When I read this article last night I found myself angrier than I have been in a long time. The fact that it happened not far away from where I’m from made it seem much more repulsive to me. Though no matter where it happens it’s still vile.

What kind of culture have we developed in this country where things like this are happening? There’s no end to the bottomless pit of scum that populate our streets.

As a peace loving individual it makes me feel sick that I can’t help but wish for castration and a long-lingering death for this piece of dirt. I hope he’s grassed up and caught very quickly. And that he has coming to him just what Chopper suggests.

1 comment:

Fraser said...

I have mixed emotions about Chopper Reid. On the one hand, I'm dismayed by the fact that his notoriety has allowed him to cultivate an image of being some sort of benevolent dispenser or justice. A simple good man, up against a world full of scum. He's not - he's a violent thug who has simply found a way to rationalise his behavior, a rationalisation that his fame has allowed him to maintain.

On the other hand, its good to know that whoever perpetrated this craven attack yesterday on a mother and child will hopefully be subjected to years of merciless butt fucking at the hands of someone similar when apprehended.

This guy deserves to be well choppered up tae fuck.