Saturday 19 April 2008

Robbie and the Aliens

Here is a fascinating article from The Guardian where Jon Ronson joins Robbie Williams in his search for alien life.

On December 18 2006, Robbie Williams played the last of 59 stadium shows in a row, announced he was going to spend Christmas at his home in Los Angeles, and then basically disappeared. He was hardly seen at all in 2007. He briefly checked into rehab. He spent quite a bit of time hiking and playing football (he owns a football pitch on Mulholland Drive). Then he stopped hiking and playing football. His record company, EMI, announced he had no plans to release an album in 2008. Today he unexpectedly calls me to ask if I want to go with him to the desert in Nevada to meet UFO abductees.

Williams manages to come across not as mental, but as someone who is genuinely interested in UFOs and aliens, and wants to believe. Of course he has enough money and free time that he can persue any mild fascination that occurs to him to the nth degree. It's an enjoyable article well worth a read.

1 comment:

Fraser said...

This'll have a lot to do with the fact that he's been spending a lot of time hanging about with Grant Morrision who's apparently been helping him "sort his head out". Good on him. As long as he's not making records eh?