Friday 19 August 2005

Fizz is the Winner - So FUKU

Here at work we have a weekly quiz on a Friday. Someone in the team makes up a quiz e-mails it round us all – the winner may or may not get a prize – depending on what bits of rubbish that week’s quizmaster wants rid of. The bottom placed contestant gets to make up the quiz the following week. Sometimes - like today - they're quite straightforward and on other occasions they can be quite a nasty bunch of questions.

The winner on most weeks it won’t surprise you to learn is Fizzy. This week he beat me by one point. The question he took it on? The famous black car that appeared in Knight Rider is called K.I.T.T. but what does it stand for? Do you know the answer? I didn't.

His pointless knowledge of Knight Rider scooped this week’s big prize, which was a Chinese lunch. You should be able to see that Fizz was amused to discover it was FUKU beef.


Anonymous said...

Without using Google to cheat, I think it's "Knight Industries Two Thousand"


Tom said...

Yes T, you'd be right.