Wednesday 17 August 2005

Resign Now Clarke

Just to add to Toms post, I too was saddened and incensed by the report which reveals the truth behind the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes.

And that’s just what it was. The brutal murder of an innocent man by incompetent, gung ho morons, obviously incapable of acting within the laws they are employed to enforced. More than that, they recklessly endangered a train full of members of the public by firing 11 shots, missing their target 3 times despite eye witness reports which place the murderer’s gun “12 inches” from the victims face.

This was state murder of an innocent man. Get your head round that. It is wholly unacceptable and those responsible must be brought to book, or we have lost the very freedom these despicable thugs were supposed to be protecting.

After describing his murdering underlings as heroes when he must have known the truth, Ian Blair must resign.

The men who carried out this murder must be tried.

And Charles Clarke, the home secretary responsible for the security crackdown which allowed this “shoot first think later/never” mentality to develop must also fall on his sword.

Of course, he won’t. Like all the new Labour cabinet, he is completely devoid of dignity, honour and a functioning sense of responsibility.

As I’ve mentioned before, a lot of rubbish has been talked recently about “not letting the terrorists win”. Well, they won this round. How many innocent members of the public were being murdered in cold blood by our police force before the bombings?

In murdering Jean Charles de Menezes, those responsible have not just disgraced themselves and our entire nation; they have also played directly into the hands of the scum they were supposed to be trying to capture.

Once again, our idiot authorities have attempted to achieve one result while actually achieving something more akin to the exact reverse.

Idiocy on that scale should only ever be rewarded with ignominy and dismissal at the very least.

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