Philip Seymour Hoffman is amazing in the title role. His voice and mannerisms really invoke the character. Capote never comes across as loathsome, though some of his methods and actions could be considered so. You also never really feel like you completely like him either though.
The film sticks to the 6-year period in his career where he wrote In Cold Blood. They avoid doing what many biopics do and never cut to childhood flashbacks or veer away from the story at hand. It’s a nice, tight adaptation of Gerald Clarke’s book, which covers not just this period, but his whole life.
The supporting cast are excellent. I’ve often thought that Clifton Collins Jr is a most underrated actor. See him give outstanding turns in Traffic, Tigerland and The Last Castle. Christ Cooper seems to be everyone’s actor of choice now to lend your film some weight and Catherine Keener is superb as Harper Lee.
Bennet Miller’s cut to the chase style of direction really zips the film along. There’s not an ounce of fat in it and it never lingers too long on any one scene.
Capote wins itself 5 Tom stars.
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