'Grandpa' Al Lewis, star of such TV shows as The Munsters and Car 54 Where are You?
died at the weekend. He was 82, although he is also reported to have been 95, including on
his own website.
He had a varied career, in addition to being an actor he was also a basketball scout, a restaurateur and a political activist.
I was surprised to hear he was still alive up until this month...
What's the deal with these celebs dying and no one knowing their real age? If only they didn't lie about their age when they were younger, we wouldn't have these problems writing obituaries!
Next one I write: "This dude died, and he was like some sort of age, and y'know, he's dead now. Here's a link to his imdb..."
I was thinking of only posting obituaries of celebrities if there was some discrepancy over their age. His son states that he was born in 1923, so we'll go with that. I dunno why he would have wanted to exaggerate his age by 13 years though.
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