Our beloved PM today took another step in ensuring his legacy as the UK’s worst ever leader by revealing another “add on” to his brilliant ID card plans.
Contrary to information many people had including the opposition and the Lib Dems, police will be allowed to use fingerprint information gathered by the register to investigate what is apparently being described as “900,000 unsolved crimes” outstanding on coppers books.
The information will also be available to any of a vast number of Government agencies to protect what has been mysteriously labelled Britain’s “economic well-being”.
So basically, the police are going to be desperately trying to match crimes with prints as soon as they become available leading to obviously no mistakes at all eh? I envisage no miscarriages of justice at all, at great expense to the tax payer. Fingerprint evidence has never been misused to cover the ass of an incompetent police officer has it? And it’s infallible right? Remember that lie? Well, Tony and the cops still like the sound of it.
The danger of breeding a digitised West Midlands Serious Crime Squad mentality with innocent people being railroaded by information that presents itself as immutable fact but cannot be magically exempt from human corruption and error is immense.
Even more importantly, we are all going to be lumbered with what amounts to a police record. If the police can check your ID Card details without permission then it is a police record – it’s as simple as that, and what is more it is a police record for people who haven’t even been accused of let alone arrested for a crime. This is unacceptable.
Freedom is fundamentally about your own choices regarding right and wrong. How free are you when that choice is taken away from you by police and Government?
Of course The Government claim this was always part of the plan. It wasn’t. They are liars.
And here we find the reason why the ID card scheme will fail. For ID cards to work on the grand scale planned, the Government would need two things:
1) Effective systems and trustworthy, capable staff. They don’t have this.
2) The trust of the public. They don’t have this either.
Tony Blair’s biggest problem is that he just doesn’t understand that no-one takes him seriously anymore. Not just because he’s on the way out and has already handed effective control of the country to his successor but also because when his government of unelected lackeys haven’t been lying to the British public they have been ignoring us.
What right minded person would entrust their very freedom to this arrogant, incompetent, proven liar?
Of course, Tony loves trotting out the hurt bunny act when his integrity is questioned, as if the very notion of a self-serving idiot in Number 10 would cause the world to explode.
But the citizens of this country find themselves in a situation akin to Nick Leeson asking to manage our bank accounts then getting stroppy when he's told where to shove it.
"Talking pish" is the right name for this blog. Whit a wally!
Blair's a bigger man that twits like you can even imagine exists in your small-minded, short-sighted world.
Aye, cheers for that Alasdair Campbell. Nice to get a considered view. Do you have a point at all? Nope, didn't think so. Jog on,twat.
How much of a criminal is Blair? A multi-billion pound criminal if he went along with the americans on 9/11:
"Shoulder to shoulder" I think was the phrase he used. When the real story of 9/11 is exposed and taken seriously in years to come, it will only tarnish Blair's reputation even more.
The Driver
I'm not one for conspiricy theories to be honest and having watched loose change, I don't think much of it stacks up.
That said, the simple fact that the UK Government massaged evidence regarding WOMDs in order to get support for the invasion of a country that had precious little to do with 9/11 was enough for me.
I'll admit I go a bit gung-ho at Blair because I just don't like the guy. He's probably not a "self serving idiot" as I suggested in the post. I'm sure he actually thinks he's doing a good job. The thing is, he isn't. He's made a hash of almost everything.
Anyway, I'm away to try and imagine some big men in my small-minded, short-sighted world, since that seems to be the ting to do according to Anon #1 at least.
Anonymous said...
"Talking pish" is the right name for this blog. Whit a wally!
Ho 'Anonymous' leave your name in future. If you can't put your name to your opinion then what use is it?
Secondly try having a point. Too many folk think rubbishing other people's opinion means they're offering an argument. Whit a wally indeed.
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