Thursday 5 July 2007

Anti-Terroist Campaign

Someone's been busy with the spray paint. I saw these at Hyndland train station this morning. At the first one a policewoman was taking down notes, so I presume when I go home tonight it will have been cleaned up. Or taped off.

I dunno if the crudely drawn swastika is pro or anti-nazi. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

What the fuck is a "terroist"? Back to school...

Anonymous said...

Btw, the 'get them out' sentiment coupled with the swastika doesn't really leave much room for interpretation here...

Fraser said...

Aye, here we have a bigot who not only can't spell but doesn't even know how to draw a swastika correctly. I ask you, the standard of racist you get these days.

I daresay this plum was encouraged by "the Smeaton factor", that manifestation of Glesgae spirit that says if we see the slightest chance to punch you in the face and look good for doing it, we'll take it.