Paul and his sports car.

We had a rehearsal at Langside Halls in the morning before the show. Here are Nicola and Clare outside.

Here’s Anne-Marie declaring peace.

Nicola pretends that she can play the accordion.

Clare leads us all in a warm-up.

Jon had the first poem in our performance.

I use all my acting talents to convey a hangover.

Anne-Marie and Nicola

Paul frightens Jon.

Nicola and Stuart practice their much anticipated tango.

In between the soundcheck and the show, we took advantage of the weather and lazed around in the Botanic Gardens.

A coy looking Anne-Marie.

Nicola staring majestically off into the distance.

There was nowhere to do a pre-show warm up, so Clare suggested we do it in the Ladies toilets. Here we are.

Borders ran a poetry competition in Gail's name. Simone read the winning entry on the night. Here she holds it complete with the signatures of the literary giants who performed.

Paul gets melancholy before we go on stage.

Not the best view, this, from the side of the stage, but this is famed playwright and artist John Byrne.

John Byrne leaves the stage.

Liz Lochhead was next up.

Linda and Yvonne did a fantastic job at organising the whole show. Here they are at the side of the stage.

Nicola and Stuart's tango.

The auction in full swing.

The lovely Jennifer came down from Inverness for the show.

Yvonne and Mhari worked at the box office for the first half of the evening. But made up for it later.

One of these men has been in a Super Noodles advert.

Eddi Reader

Linda and Yvonne in the Green Room.

This is Sarah.

Sarah, Linda and Yvonne.

Auctioneer Anita Manning.

Sarah or ‘Sexy Sadie’ as I believe the girls refer to her as.

Arab Strap, as I recall he was singing something about ‘cocks’ at this point.

All I did here was flash the camera in Nicola’s face cos she was taking the piss.

Belle and Sebastian prepare to take the stage.

Belle and Sebastian rock out.

Gail's best pal Lesley and friends.

I did tell her I thought they were really good later and although she said ‘Oh thanks,’ she just looked frightened.

Clare goes mad for The Belles

Clare and her dancing partner.

Some happy members of Belle and Sebastian leave the stage.

The back of Belle and Sebastian Main Man Stuart Murdoch’s head.

The hilarious irony of taking a photograph of the photographer.

Compere Sandy Nelson.

Claire the photographer again.

Nicola and Claire.

Yvonne shakes her thing.

And finally at about 2am Yvonne and Sarah.
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