Monday 5 September 2005

Fun Running Motherfuckers

It was the “Great Scottish Run” or some such pish yesterday and I’m sorry to sound un-charitable but I hope all involved suffer anal prolapse and die.

I have nothing against people running, or anything against the various charities they were running for. I am however against a 10 minute journey into town becoming an 1hr 45 min ordeal on a sweltering, mobbed bus for no good reason.

Why does this daft event have to take place on the road? Is there not a more rural setting they could use? Or here’s an idea, A FUCKING RUNNING TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get two days off a week. To have wasted the best past of two hours of it because of the pig ignorance of a bunch of do-gooder spindly running bastards boils my fucking blood.

Seriously, vitriol aside, is there no other way this event could have been planned?

There were people on my bus phoning their work telling them they’d be over an hour late. I don’t know about your workplace, but that earns you a bollocking in most places I’ve been. These folk were put in this position through no fault of their own.

And what about everyone else and their precious free time? To commandeer some of the busiest streets in Glasgow for so long when so many people rely on these routes involves downright ignorance going way past poor planning.

The question of people being inconvenienced had to come up in the planning stages. The answer seems to have come back “fuck them”.

Typical Glasgow event planning. I am growing to hate this shitty town.


Anonymous said...

6% of US Internet users read blogs, 2% use RSS
Today, only 6% of online consumers read blogs and 2% use RSS, while 70% of online consumers use the Internet to research products for purchase.
This site is the bomb for real estate lead  
a friend of mine is making a fortune selling info products using these guys for custom lead generation

Tom said...

Aye interesting. And they were all Fun Running in Glasgow yesterday were they? And you say that site is the bomb for real estate lead? I presume once you've bought the lead from this site you build your own bomb shelter with it? Aye? Naw?

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Yo! Wassup? These sites be the bomb, yo. For marathons and shizzle.

Seb Coe

Anonymous said...

Yo! Wassup? These sites be the bomb, yo. For marathons and shizzle.

Seb Coe

Fraser said...

Good God. What have we done to deserve this? What? Oh, right...

Anonymous said...

I HATE Sebastian Coe.


Steve Cram