Since everybody hates work, here’s a link to a preview and interviews about Chris Rocks’ new sit–com “Everybody Hates Chris”.
I’m hoping it will be a good show, mainly because I think Chris Rock is about the best stand-up working today, with the possible exception of Doug Stanhope.
Rock is much bigger than Doug though and hasn’t yet been reduced to selling hand made gifts from pre-pubescent family members on ebay.
I have a weird feeling “Everybody Hates Chris” will be average at best though. The main reason being that well, it’s an American sit-com but also because I always felt that Rock was never a writer and is often too eager to appeal to a mass audience.
His Saturday Night Live stuff I’ve seen often seemed well below par and he also has an odd habit of picking really poor movie vehicles that fail to show him as he is; a riotously funny and acerbic observer of modern life.
Here’s hoping I’m wrong. All will be revealed over here when Five run with it in the new year.
1 comment:
chris rock is so rubbish. he is so rubbish that if i saw him i would run away crying.
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