Now that Nicola has almost successfully prised me off salt, her new campaign centres around
fizzy drinks. News
today indicates that
fizzy drinks severely increase the
risk of
cancer. Much like most things right enough, but again I'm trying to cut down. I think this'll be harder, however with cans being 50p out of the drinks machine at work, I could stand to save a few quid.
Way to go on the Salt,Tom.Really enjoy this blog.
Like most blogs "Fizzy And Tom Talk Pish" circles its subject in an indirect manner, never declaring what it's truly about but leaving a distinct impression.
This can make for difficult reading, requiring an inordinate amount of concentration to keep up (and which wears you down after a while) and it only sinks in long after it's over. But that's the blog's strong point: the writers prefer to have you draw your own conclusions, with dialogue that forces you to read between the lines of an affair in which both participants seem to be using it to address their individual demons.
Fizzy And Tom are more interested in their opinions than their actions but it's precisely their opinions that make their actions compelling.
Fizz and Tom are lovers (and they're excellent, even though the fact their trysts are presented in explicit detail may overshadow their performances), it's the tensions that build around them that drives the narrative. It's an unhappy yet sensitive blog that may distance some readers and push others into uncomfortable areas they may not want to visit, yet there's no denying its inquisitive, intelligent presence.
I'm really glad you're loving this blog Peter Bradshaw, so pleased you can keep away from young men long enough in order to comment.
Im sorry.I think you have made a mistake.Im not Peter Bradshaw and Im not a homosexual.I think you have mistaken me for someone else.Im just a big fan of your blog.Sorry if I have offended you in any way.
Hey Tom!Leave "anonymous" alone.He was only saying how much he liked the site.Why be nasty to people who are reading your blog!Do you want people to stop reading?
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