Tuesday 18 October 2005

The Gas Suck Ass and Other Gripes

I seem to be having a wee streak of bad luck right now, not with anything too serious; technology mostly.

Firstly our boiler at home, which we paid a fair amount of scratch for is knackered less than 2 months after it has been installed. No biggie, despite the no heat no hot water thing.

The manufacturers are coming out to see it today to try to fix the botch job Scottish Gas made of fitting it. My fairly unforgiving wife is on the case. She’ll kick ass if she has to.

Also, my portable hard drive gave up the ghost after a week and a half of action. I’m in the complex and arcane process of returning it. I lost maybe 50 Gbs worth of TV shows and movies, so a bit of a bummer.

Hopefully this is the third thing and my run is broken.

The systems here at work are kaput, under sustained attack from a spammer apparently.

While this isn’t exactly bad luck for me just now, as I have nothing to do, it will eventually catch up with me when the systems come back on line and I have two days worth of work to catch up on.

Ho Hum. Nothing you can do about a run of bad luck but ride it out I suppose.

Incidentally, my new favourite snack chocolate appears to be Maltesers. I had previously favoured the Mars Bar.

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