I suppose by now we all know that the Government are a bunch of worthless arrogant tossbags who feel the rules don’t apply to them, but here’s yet another example of just that.
Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has just been
done for sexual discrimination by a guy denied a job specifically by her for which he was best qualified.
How did he find out he had been passed over despite being considered the best candidate by far by the interview panel?
The freedom of information act; he was allowed to view the notes on his interview, which gave him 28 out of 30 on job compatibility and quoted him as “by far the best candidate” for the post.
But Pat fancied a natter with a fellow lass of an afternoon, so passed him over for the third placed female candidate. A decision that has now cost not Hewitt herself but the government i.e you me and all the other mugs who pay taxes, several thousand pounds.
All over a part time board job that paid 9 grand a year.
The classic combination of arrogant and thick so prevalent in politicians has never been so amply illustrated.
Here we have a cocky minister who thinks she’s it doing what she likes and sod the rules and what trips her up? Freedom of information legislation brought in by her own muckers.
If the whole affair hadn’t cost me 18 grand, I’d be pishing myself.
And another thing. You will find this story in every major paper in the country. Where won’t you find it? The BBC website, which is “updated every minute of every day”. Aye, unless the story involves something negative about a cabinet minister eh, you craven bastards.
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