Monday 28 June 2004

Cox on the Box

So, no football talk yet this week, but more about movies. Here's a really good article by Alex Cox on the lack of foreign films on TV. He makes a very good case and it's only now that I realise that there is no replacement for Moviedrome and no regular outlet for the harder to discover movies on terrestrial television.

And if, after reading the article, you want to know a bit more, here's some information on Italian director Francesco Rosi. Actually the whole Senses of Cinema website that it's from is pretty damn good.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of film programmes, Tom can you remember the one with the mad Welshman and the long haired Scot that was set in Glasgow. I quite liked it but it hasn't been on for a while. The mad welshman appeared in an advert on my tv last night rambling about some wickerman festival. Do you know anything about this? And/or could you find out? Thanks.

Tom said...

Thanks for reading Anonymous. The show that you are fondly remembering was called 'Vids.' The Mad Welshman is a guy called Nigel Buckland, who was recently running a stand-up comedy course here in Glasgow.

Aye I do know a bit about The Wicker Man Festival cos when I was out last night I had a lass effectively promote it to me. She was also promoting The Grand Ole Opry. Yes, they will be burning a wicker man. I'll blog about it later.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 'pish