Tuesday 8 June 2004

Letters From A Twat

Anyone who read my greeting faced post about NYPD BLUE a few weeks ago will know that Channel 4 and I don't exactly see eye to eye.

A few weeks ago I sent them this:

"I have a few questions about the scheduling of the latest series of NYPD Blue.
Firstly, what are the viewing figures like? Rubbish? I wonder why.
As a fan of the show who's followed it from day one on your channel, I feel a little mucked about when my loyalty to the show and to you guys means that I have to stay up until well past midnight to actually watch the broadcast. Yes, I know I can "always tape it" but why should I have to?
So is it just that no-one is watching it bar me?
If that's the case why is it every time I pick up a TV mag either a member of the public or a reviewer is complaining about the lack of support NYPD Blue is getting from the channel that first brought it to this country.
I would urge you not to continue with your policy of burying this fine programme.
I would also urge you get the series up to speed as soon as possible as well.
Unless by broadcasting two+ year old episodes of a former flagship show at almost one in the morning with no ad support whatsoever is your way of telling NYPD Blue's remaining audience to quietly shuffle off into the night, which is pretty much what we're being asked to do anyway."

I got this typically trite and patronising response today:

"Dear Mr Campbell,

Thanks for your email.

We're sorry that you are not happy about the scheduling of NYPD Blue, and have passed your comments on to those responsible.

We're unable to discuss specific audience ratings, but can confirm that NYPD Blue is no longer watched in sufficient numbers to justify a primetime slot. We appreciate that the programme has retained some loyal fans, and are pleased to still be broadcasting it for their benefit.

Thank you for taking the trouble to write to us, and for your interest in Channel 4.


Myles Green
Information Officer"

I went with a fairly polite response:

"Dear Mr Green,
May I thank you for your reply to my original enquiry. I'm afraid however, it was a less than satisfactory response to a perfectly reasonable question.

Why as a public service broadcaster are you "unable to discuss specific audience ratings" with a viewer? Why all the secrecy?
Secondly I understand that NYPD Blue no longer gets the ratings it once did but I think you may have missed my point on the matter.
Ratings are going to suffer on a show that is inexplicably not broadcast for over two years and then stuck on past midnight with no ad support. If it hadn't been for a piece in the Radio Times, I would never have known it was coming back on.
There is surely a pre midnight spot for NYPD Blue. The entertainment schedule cannot be completely choked with reality nonsense, “Friends” repeats and “100 Best” lists.
I would have thought the ideal spot would have been in place of the woeful "Without a Trace".
In any case, I am grateful to channel 4 for broadcasting the show at all, even if the current series is still dealing with the immediate psychological fall out of 9/11.

All the best,
Fraser Campbell"

I'll see what they respond with. In the meantime, my one man campaign to get NYPD Blue back on before it's my bedtime continues!

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