Tuesday 29 June 2004

Moore than Enough

I'm not a huge fan of Michael Moore. I find a lot of his work cheesy and un-journalistic. Quite a lot of Stupid White Men, the only book of his I've managed to wade through is poorly written and just plain dull.
Having said that, the people who are now gathering to attack him are pretty disgusting.
You have to wonder what it is about right wingers in the States. They can't stand it when a debate emerges about their leaders questionable dealings and policies. The attitude displayed by right wing websites attacking Moore is one that seeks to stifle debate, one that seems to resent the very idea of somebody choosing to questioning (their) authority.
Some of them are just plain scary.
And they don't help themselves either by using rhetoric better suited to a Chuck Bronson movie. Have a look at this for example. This is a tee-shirt you can buy and walk around in believe it or not. Are these people for real? Is that their attitude to a fucking war in which innocent lives are being destroyed daily? "Freedom isn't free, peace isn't pretty?" It is for you, you bloated fuckers! Who are these people? Tag line writers for Stallone movies? The war in Iraq isn't a movie or a comic book you fucking goons!
This tenuous link to reality coupled with failure to forward any kind of cohesive political argument makes right wingers in the States look at best deluded and anti democratic. I suspect the truth is even worse, that a lot of these people are enjoying the war, enjoying "kicking ass", enjoying their little racist war of revenge.
People with a genuine small government agenda in America must tear their hair out when they get associated with these colossal morons.
Whatever you think about Michael Moore, at least he's for democracy and at least he's aligned himself against developmentally challenged idiots for whom the meaning of democracy has been perverted into being able to carry a gun and kick the shit out of the poor.

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